What led you into the world of wine?
The beginnings of Karma, which is named after my children Karle and Matthew was founded in the spirit of sacrifice and hard work. Originally, our plan was to be growers while exposing our two young children to a new lifestyle. Working the vineyard while downsizing pretty much everything in our life, we enjoyed the work required to produce excellent quality grapes. Our deepest pride 20 years later is the successful young adults we’ve raised and their commitment to work and generally being leaders. More importantly the early sacrifices allowed them both a deeply humble and thankful approach to life.
What has been your greatest achievement?
Currently I believe my strongest attribute to our business is collaborative and decisive leadership. Together we have created a brand that transcends wine in some ways. With my dedicated long-term employees, managers and leaders, we make decisions based on individual strengths and goals without the politics that sometimes dumbs down a business. I believe we are free to be creative, edgy and take chances because of the ethos at Karma. I jumped into traditional champagne 20 years ago, when only a handful of wineries considered it relevant locally. Now we make it for dozens of wineries around the state and pride ourselves continually on finding new ways to share our bubbles with our communities around the state.